I never thought that composition could be so intense. I feel like I'm trying to give birth to a child. My new piece is called "A Musical Journey Through a Moment" for now. The words are:
Whipping through my hair,
Taking with it the thoughts of Babylon,
And carrying them back
to where things now look so small,
I no longer have the time to come here.
Bitter, uninviting,
Drives the sane ones back to warmer days,
Leaving only dreamers
whose dreams have brought them here,
We chose to stay.
With its perfect round face,
And raven hair that swallows up the sky,
Giving us its light,
Asking nothing in return,
And here I stand,
With all the time in the world.
So each stanza represents an aspect of a moment, which I will paint with the music. Only thing that plagues me is which paints to use. I feel fairly satisfied with how the piano part is going but my melodies aren't at all what I want them to be. They don't really fit, and it's not like the kind that don't fit but it's still cool, they just don't fit, period. I've been using the A locrian mode, perhaps I should explore others. Composition always seems to be a mystery to me.